A Family Adventure at Labrador Hollow | Family Portraits

There's something truly magical about capturing a family in their element. This past weekend, I had the absolute pleasure of photographing the T family at the epic Labrador Hollow, just outside of Syracuse, NY.

Let me tell you, this family is pure sunshine! The two little girls were bursting with energy, their laughter echoing through the trees as they explored the tall grasses and nature area. Their playful spirit was contagious, and it set the tone for a truly heartwarming session.

mom and daughter looking out over a lake near Syracuse

Our adventure began with a wander through the park's scenic trails. The girls quickly became experts at spotting wildflowers and continuously gave them to their momma. We talked about colors and what the flowers smelled like. It amazes me what kiddos come up with when given the chance to explore and experience.

Labrador Hollow's natural beauty provided the perfect backdrop for these heartwarming moments. It ended up being a cloudy day which was actually perfect for the coloring of the mountains behind us. We went into this family session focusing on connections and the love between parent and child. Mom and dad cuddled and played, just like they do at home, so we get genuine smiles and showcased that relationship in the truest form.

Once we were done finding the PERFECT rocks for dad and the most beautiful flowers for mom, we walked down the pathway to find a gorgeous lake surrounded by mountains. The overcast skies allowed the photos to shine themselves instead of the sunset. I’m usually a sunset gal, but after this session, I might love overcast skies with the mountains more.

The kiddos were wound up after exploring and trying their hardest to find wildlife in the lake, so I laid a quilt down and encouraged them to rest. Big sister even gave her little sister a huge kiss and hug. It was a moment of pure contentment – the girls snuggled between their parents, whispers and laughter filling the air. It was a scene straight out of a storybook, a testament to the deep connection that binds this family.

The entire session was a beautiful reminder that the most precious photographs are often the ones that capture genuine moments of connection. It wasn't about perfectly posed smiles, but about the unfiltered joy of being together as a family. And that, my friends, is the true magic of family photography.


I’m Emily -

I want to give you PRICELESS family photos of the people you love the most - Let’s get candid and go explore!


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