How To Prepare For Your In-Home Newborn Session | Syracuse Newborn Photographer

An in-home newborn photography session is such an amazing way to capture your family's first days with your newest addition! These lifestyle sessions offer a more relaxed feeling, and sometimes more intimate images. We'll cuddle and snuggle in to give you precious memories to hold on to. But how do you prepare for this photography session? You’ve just brought a newborn home from the hospital and have no idea how you’re to get everything ready for a photo session while you’re adjusting to this new life. Let me help you prepare for your newborn session and answer some questions you may be having.

What are you expected to provide? How should you dress your family? Where will we take the photos? How do you ensure a newborn session goes smoothly? Let me, your Syracuse Newborn Photographer, go through and answer all of these questions, so that you feel more confident going into your session!

close up image of newborn toes during lifestyle newborn session

After you’ve chosen your photographer, you will need to have a consultation with them and find out what the expectations are. With my clients, I bring everything we need to your home for the session. Any wrap, prop, headband, or hat will be brought to your session. With your wardrobe, you may be asking what should I wear to newborn photos. have newborn clothes as well as dresses for momma, and offer wardrobe styling for families with every session. I want you to feel confident in your photos and by helping you with all of the decisions it takes to plan a newborn session, I can take some of that stress off of your plate. I can be as involved as much or as little as you’d like!

Where should you take your newborn photos? When I come to set up for your newborn session, I will check to see where the best light is coming into the home. Families typically choose to take photos in their living rooms, master bedrooms, and/or nurseries. When you think of an in home newborn photography session, you’re usually planning for very intimate images. You’re in the comfort of your own home and being in your own space, will definitely help you feel more relaxed. Don’t worry about the house being perfectly cleaned. I have kids, so I definitely understand that need to pick up and make sure the floors are mopped before someone comes over. But let me tell you, I won’t even notice any of those things! I’m more concerned with you and your loved ones. If there’s something distracting in the shot, like a play mat or swing, I’ll shift those out of the way to make sure there’s nothing distracting from you, the subject!

There’s no magic sauce to make sure your newborn session goes smoothly. I’ve had babies that are awake the entire session, I have babies that have cried, pooped on their white swaddle, had spit up in the shot. It’s all happened before, so there’s nothing I haven’t seen. BUT, with the prep guide I send to all my clients, I can give you some tips to make sure we’re as prepared as we can be. We’ll only worry about the things in our control, and if something happens, we’ll pivot and work around it.


What time of day should I take family photos? | Family Photographer
