senior photoshoot planning | Syracuse Senior Photographer

When you book a senior session with me, it always starts out with a consultation. I want these sessions to be tailored to your senior and their personality, and it's a little hard to do that without meeting before hand. I've found the best way to get to know someone is sitting down with them and really talking. What do you want your session to look like? What are your hobbies? What kind of music do you listen to? Where do you shop? Have you seen sessions that appeal to you? Where did they take place?

From there, I always have a "shot list" that I show my seniors, and they can look at posing and tell me right then and there if that's something that looks like what they would do. If you're not a guy that would typically stare deep into someone's eye you just met (me), then I want you to see these pensive shots and be able to say, "no that's not me." If you're the class clown and LOVE making people laugh, I know you're going to be drawn to more candid and openly laughing images. Once we start looking at these examples together, I can get a sense of what type of person you are, and what our session is going to look like.

It also helps when mom or dad are there. They typically know you best, and have an idea of what they'll do with these pictures. They know grandma is going to know a nice photo of you looking at the camera and smiling, which we'll get, but we'll also get those photos that speak to who you are.

With my last senior session, Payton told me she doesn't love looking directly at the camera and loves the laughing/candid poses the best. It was so helpful to have that starting point with me at the session so I could pull it out and say, "ok, we haven't tried anything like this yet, still want to try?" I also encourage you to send me your pinterest boards if you've been looking at wardrobe or posing that you're interested in. We could plan your whole session off of a inspo/mood board and bring those feelings and vibe through with your images.

I think that's why I love senior sessions so much. It's a challenge to me every single time, because I want to be able to deliver something to you that speaks to you. I never want you to get your images back and feel like it's a stranger in them, or you would never have worn that or stood like that had you not had a camera on you. So let's chat and create something that speaks to who you are!

Ready to schedule your Senior Session Consultation? Fill out the form below and I’ll send over my calendar and the Client Guide to see what your senior session could look like!


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