How to Prepare for Your Maternity pictures | pregnancy in syracuse

First off, Congratulations!! I'm so incredibly happy for you and this sweet babe you're about to bring into the world. I remember this being such a stressful time during pregnancy. You're close to your due date, probably working continuously on the nursery, and just plain tired - so why would you want to add one more thing to your plate and get maternity pictures.

maternity photos in syracuse

Well, I'm here to tell you, you will absolutely cherish your maternity photos especially when you're looking back years down the road and remembering all those amazing little kicks and belly rolls as he or she re-adjusts. You can also make this time about you. I have a few tips to hopefully ease your stress and make this a fun experience vs. something you feel you have to do.

First, you need to find the right photographer. Narrow it down to a few photographers you really love and check out their instagrams. Which one really resonates with you? Have you contacted them? What is their session process like? You should look for a photographer that really helps you and basically guides through this process. They are the expert in this field, not you, so hopefully you find someone that can direct you and make you feel comfortable.

studio maternity pictures

Next, let's talk about wardrobe. Does your photographer have a client closet? Most photographers these days have a set of wardrobe options available for their clients to borrow for the session and can take the guess work out of your outfits. If they don't, hopefully your photographer can put together wardrobe options for you so you're not the one going out shopping and finding different pieces that work well together. You (your photographer) should also keep in mind the location you've decided on and whether or not your attire will compliment it and the theme you're shooting for.

Lastly, PAMPER YOURSELF! You deserve this momma! Go get your make up done, your hair, nails, etc. Literally anything that will make you feel like the queen you are, you should be doing it. Would you feel more relaxed after a massage? You should definitely take this time for yourself and if you are having these things done for you, they are one less thing you have to stress about the day of the session.

maternity session in syracuse studio

The most important part of a maternity session, is to enjoy yourself and connect with your sweet baby. Hopefully you can allow your photographer to take all of the stress out of this experience so you can focus on what matters most - your family. I hope you have the best session and congratulations, again!!!


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